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How do I make a booking?

To book a GoTo car you can login to our Fleetster web portal or use the Fleetster smartphone apps from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store

Bookings are started and stopped via the smartphone apps, from a device with a live internet connection.

Booking via the web portal

  • Login to Fleester
    Login to our web app at
    You will need to be an approved driver on an active Membership Account to access car bookings.
    1. Login
  • Select Business or Private Booking
    Select your booking type. Usually this would be "Business" but you may have a "Private" option available, which will charge the booking to your own personal account rather than your business or employer account.
    2. Select Booking Type
  • Enter Booking Details
    Select the Pickup Date and Time, Return Date and Time, and the Estimated Distance of your trip.

    Cars that are available during this period, and have range for your trip will be listed on the timeline below.

    The estimated $Cost of your trip will be displayed next to the car image. On the time line you can slide the times to adjust your trip.

    You can also drag the booking to your choice of car.

    Click Calculate Buffer and then Finish Booking to see a summary of your booking.
    3. Enter Booking Details
  • Complete Your Booking
    Confirm your booking details and Finish to save, or Back to edit.

    Don't worry, you can always edit your booking using the My Bookings menu above.
    4. Complete Booking

Booking via the smartphone app

  • Login to Fleetster
    Ensure you have installed the Fleetster smartphone app. Open the app and login.

    You will need to be an approved driver on an active Membership Account to access car bookings.

    The app allows you to create, edit and cancel bookings, access your past and future bookings, and maintain your user profile.
    1. Login
  • Select Booking Type
    Select Book Now or if available, your Booking Type (Business or Private).

    Book Now will charge all bookings to the account holder. If you have enabled Private bookings, you can select between the account holder being charged (Business) or you personally being charged (Private).
    2. Select Booking Type
  • Enter Booking Details
    Confirm your start location, select the Start Date and Time, End Date and Time, and the Estimated Distance of your trip.

    Select next to see a list vehicles available at this time that have the range for your estimated distance.
    3. Enter Booking Details
  • Select your vehicle
    Review the list of cars available that match your requirements.
    4. Select your vehicle
  • Enter Booking Notes
    If required you can enter a cost centre and add notes for this trip which we will add to your charge description. Select Next to proceed.
    5. Enter Booking Notes
  • Review your booking
    Review the booking overview and confirm via the Book button or go back to edit.
    6. Review your booking
  • Booking is confirmed
    Your booking is confirmed. Select OK to continue.
    7. Booking is confirmed

Change a Booking via the smartphone app

  • Login to Fleetster
    Ensure you have installed the Fleetster smartphone app. Open the app and login.

    You will need to be an approved driver on an active Membership Account to access car bookings.

    The app allows you to create, edit and cancel bookings, access your past and future bookings, and maintain your user profile.
    1. Login
  • Select the Bookings option
    Select the Bookings option at the bottom of the screen to display your upcoming bookings.
    2. Select the Bookings Option
  • Select the booking
    Select the booking you want to edit from the list of upcoming bookings.
    3. Select the booking
  • Select the Edit Booking option
    Review the list of cars available that match your requirements.
    4. Select the Edit Booking option
  • Edit Your Booking
    Edit any of your booking settings, including your cost centre and notes, and the vehicle you want to use. Select Next when you have completed each step or the back arrow to return to a prior step.
    5. Edit Your Booking
  • Review your booking
    Review the booking overview and confirm via the Book button or go back to edit.
    6. Review your booking
  • Your Edit is confirmed
    Your booking edit is confirmed. Select OK to continue.
    7. Your Edit is confirmed

Cancel a Booking via the smartphone app

  • Login to Fleetster
    Ensure you have installed the Fleetster smartphone app. Open the app and login.

    You will need to be an approved driver on an active Membership Account to access car bookings.

    The app allows you to create, edit and cancel bookings, access your past and future bookings, and maintain your user profile.
    1. Login
  • Select the Bookings option
    Select the Bookings option at the bottom of the screen to display your upcoming bookings.
    2. Select the Bookings Option
  • Select the booking
    Select the booking you want to cancel from the list of upcoming bookings.
    3. Select the booking
  • Select the Cancel Booking option
    Select the Cancel Booking option to cancel this booking.
    4. Select the Cancel Booking option
  • Cancel Your Booking
    Confirm you want to cancel this booking.
    5. Cancel Your Booking
  • Your Cancellation is confirmed
    Your Cancellation is confirmed and an email will be sent to notify the driver.
    5. Your Cancellation is confirmed


Read 2274 times Last modified on Tuesday, 13 September 2022 06:33